If you’re looking for a unique way to brighten up your space an authentic graffiti mural is the way to go! With over 16 years of painting behind me, I offer full exterior and interior murals at affordable rates. Servicing all of Ontario, I’ve worked on many exciting projects over the years for clients such as

R.M. Sotheby’s - Chatham

Elisdon and Oxford Builders - London

Western University - London

Craves Poutinerie - Chatham

Chatham Kent Children’s Services - Chatham

BBQ Bandits - Hamilton

St Claire College - Chatham

Brawn Bros - Toronto

And hundreds of private residencies!

Please message me if you have a project that you think I’d be the right fit for, I’d love to hear your ideas and help you bring them to life!

Thanks for stopping by!

Grime City