"TRAFF-33" The Traffic Droid


If you’re having trouble with the local alien population obeying traffic laws, you may want to activate a handful of these droids around your sector. Although quite passive, these traffic droids are a reminder that the rules apply to everyone - If you’re looking for a droid that is more aggressive in its approach to rule breakers, keep an eye out for a policing droid that is currently under production.

Bring TRAFF-33 Home

If you’re having trouble with the local alien population obeying traffic laws, you may want to activate a handful of these droids around your sector. Although quite passive, these traffic droids are a reminder that the rules apply to everyone - If you’re looking for a droid that is more aggressive in its approach to rule breakers, keep an eye out for a policing droid that is currently under production.

If you’re having trouble with the local alien population obeying traffic laws, you may want to activate a handful of these droids around your sector. Although quite passive, these traffic droids are a reminder that the rules apply to everyone - If you’re looking for a droid that is more aggressive in its approach to rule breakers, keep an eye out for a policing droid that is currently under production.